Shadar-Kai CR 2
This gaunt man appears drained of color, like a person viewed at twilight or in a dark alley.
XP 600
Neutral Medium Outsider (Fey) Native Subtype
Init +5; Senses Darkvision 60ft, Low-light Vision, Low-light Vision; Perception +4
AC 17, Touch 15, flat footed 12 (Studded Leather, Shield, none)
(+5 Dex, +-1 Natural, +3 armour)
hp 9 (0d8+1d8+1);
Fort +0, Ref +7, Will +0 Save Modifier +4 bonus on saves against mind-affecting effects
Resistance (Su) cold 5, electricity 5, Damage reduction 5/cold iron, Resistance to cold and electricity 10, Spell Resistance 13
Speed 30, fly 45ft.
Single Attack Chain, spiked +6 (2d4)
or Shortbow +5 (1d6 X3)
Full Attack
Chain, spiked +6 (2d4)
or Shortbow +5 (1d6 X3) range 70
Space 5ft.; Reach 5
Special Attacks
Sneak Attack Sneak attack 1d6
Spell-like Abilities
Spell-like Abilities Caster level equals the creatures HD (or the caster level of the base creatures spell-like abilities, whichever is higher)
Spell-like Abilities dancing lights 3/day, 1/day faerie fire
Str 11, Dex 21, Con 11, Int 16, Wis 11, Cha 12
Base Attack 0 CMB 0 ; CMD 15
Armour Prof Light,
Simple Weapon Proficiency,
Exotic Weapon Proficiency (spiked chain)(B)
Weapon Finesse (B)
Weapon Focus (spiked chain)
Skills Acrobatics 8, Appraise 7, Bluff 5, Climb 3, Diplomacy 1, Disable Device 9, Disguise 5, Escape Artist 4, Fly 4, Intimidate 1, Know Dungeon 3, Know Local 3, Know the Planes 5, Linguistics 7, Perception 4, Sense Motive 4, Sleight of Hand 8, Stealth 10, Swim -2, Use Magic Device 1
Languages Common
Environment Any (Plane of Shadow)
Organization Solitary, Enclave 13-30, Pair
Treasure Standard
Shadow Blending (Su) Attacks against a Shadar-Kai in dim light have a 50% miss chance instead of the normal 20% miss chance. This ability does not grant total concealment; it just increases the miss chance.