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Tales Keywords

In this update we will explore new keywords and features introduced in the Tales set along with a spoiler to illustrate each ability. (Also, I couldn't resist incorporating the upcoming Shadowmoor's Persist into the fray.)

Bane: Some creatures just hate other types of creatures. And protection is sometimes too powerful. Creatures of a particular type blocking or blocked by the creature with Bane get -2/-2 until end of turn. The specific type of creature affected is noted as a prefix.

Let's take a look at the following cards:

Huntsman has Wolfbane (Wolf creatures blocking or blocked by this creature get -2/-2 until end of turn.) This means that Big Bad Wolf is only a 1/1 creature against Huntsman (provided it doesn't have any +1/+1 counters on it.)

Cohort: One of the main new mechanics brought into the game, Cohort makes a creature dependent on another creature, giving up its defense to boost its protector. When a creature with cohort comes into play, you can choose to put a number of -1/-1 counters on it and the same number of +1/+1 counters on another creature.

If Brave Prince is in play when Rapunzel comes into play, you can use her cohort ability to grant the prince three +1/+1 counters, turning it into a +6/+6 trample! And although Rapunzel becomes a 0/3 creature, it still has its abilities to regenerate and give haste to Nobles.
On a side note, Cohort effectively "resets" the Persist ability, since +1/+1 counters and -1/-1 counters "cancel" each other out.

Link: Some cards are "linked" to other cards in the Tales set. That means they need another card to function--very similar to auras, which need to be attached to other cards. Cards with Link tend to be more powerful than normal for their cost, but they are usually easier to destroy.

Any card that can destroys the Forest also destroys Lost in the Forest and thus the removed creature comes into play again. On the other hand, Lost in the Forest is only two mana to play, being extremely fast for its ability.

Midnight: Some things just don't last long. Cards with Midnight are usually auras and equipments that give abilities that end whenever the creature they are attached to runs out of counters--and any kind of counter will do, even -1/-1 counters!

You play Stepsisters and use its Cohort ability, leaving it at 1/2 (with three -1/-1 counters). Then, you equip Glass Slipper to make it a 4/5 again. Midnight will trigger at the next upkeep, removing a counter from Stepsisters and effectively making it a 5/6 creature. In two more turns it will be a 7/8 creature with no counters on it. Next upkeep, the party is over.

With Cinderella, it plays out a little differently. Cinderella with her Glass Slipper is no less than a 8/9. That's a lot if you consider the mana costs. Then you can start moving counters. Be careful with the slipper, though, you don't want to equip it the same turn Cinderella comes into play, otherwise she won't have any counters at the beginning of your next upkeep.

We'll take a look at two more features of the Tales set:

Eldritch Spells: This type of powerful spells are limited to one per turn, and often have unusual ways of functioning, such as rolling dice (yay! dice in a serious set!).

Reverse: An alternate way of counterspelling, Reverse makes any spell a counterspell! Just pay two blue mana instead of its normal cost and negate a spell with the same converted mana cost.


Houses: These are unusual lands that are also another type of card. They are commonly Linked (see above) to another land and they don't produce mana as often.

As always, thanks to the great artists that collaborated!


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